January 2012 - Hello! Thank you for visiting this site... a rather rag-tag batch of writing and rambling.
I'm hoping to use this “Public Noise” site for some random expression and freak-outs. It will also collect short articles and reviews I've written for the LEO city paper, Magnet & other publications. Thank you to all the folks who agreed to be interviewed over the last few years - and the editors that have given me a chance to contribute. All the best – JN

PS: I've been in a cancer treatment program since August 2009 and my wife and I have shared some of that story at this address: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/jasonnoble/


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Mike Mignola ~ CRONOS artwork

Mike Mignola, the amazing writer/artist behind the HELLBOY comic book series, created this poster for the 2010 Criterion remaster of CRONOS.

Cronos is a wonderfully strange & original take on vampirism by Guillermo Del Toro (who also made the excellent Pan’s Labyrinth, The Devil’s Backbone, Blade 2 and, full circle alert, two Hellboy films)

Just wanted to share a cool image that also reminds us how many aw'some things can happen when longtime friends work on projects together.

clip: http://www.criterion.com/films/27534-cronos

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